Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Training to FAIRMED Staff


FAIRMED Foundation Nepal held a three-day training on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) in Kathmandu to educate the staff from all of its projects on GESI and its integration into project cycle management.


In total, there were 27 participants from various projects and Country office. The training was facilitated by a team of experts who adopted an interactive approach where there were experience sharing sessions, role plays, brainstorming sessions, audio-visual demonstrations, story-telling, educational games, and others.

The topics discussed were diversity, social inclusion and exclusion, sex & gender, gender roles, socialization, equity, equality, power differences, assertive communication, gender-based violence, gender mainstreaming/integration, gender analysis, prevention of sexual harassment, exploitation, and abuse (PSHEA), and other pertinent concepts.

The program was well-received by the participants, the majority of whom thought it had a significant message on both their personal and professional lives. They mentioned the sessions helped them think beyond stereotypical social norms and values and built new enthusiasm to work with GESI lenses in their respective project activities.