Training of Trainers on Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs)

FAIRMED Nepal, through its Essential Health Project (EHP) organized a TOT on NTDs (Leprosy, LF, STH, and disability) for the selected Medical Officers, and Health workers from project targeted Hospitals and Primary Health Care Centers in close collaboration with the LCDMS/NTDS, Family Welfare Division, INF Pokhara (GP Hospital), and NLT, Lalgadh.

Altogether 24 participants including six project staff from two of its projects, have been trained in NTD’s and disability and have, a part of staff capacity building in the area of NTDs.

The training participants will be mobilized to train health workers and FCHVs in the project areas to enable them integrate service delivery through early detection and treatment of NTDs while serving for MNH from the same point of delivery.